Quite possibly in bad taste, but f*ck it. . .

Unfortunately I’ve been too stressed and busy trying to sort ‘life’ out to do more as I hoped I would lately, but it’s only fair to drag a few skeletons out the closet every now and again.

Since transitioning from my older blogs which were unfortunately more Politically active, I’d forgotten about a number of posts which were indeed some of the more popular posts back in their day.

Of course, the very nature of the blog suggests that these weren’t for the light hearted, however I do find some worth in their content, even if it is a little cynical and brutal in it’s delivery.

It was of course a much darker time back then, (I only had a 40watt bulb in my office) and apart from the funnier moments obviously, the times whereby your sanity sometimes overruled the darkness and pulled at the funny bone of doom, desperately hoping for a giggle before you register what it is you wrote that you can look back and reminisce.

That’s my excuse anyway, and I’m sticking to it.

Sometimes life sucks, sometimes it’s cruel and sometimes the sheer bizarre nature of it can only invoke a laugh or a moment of improper delight when all is going wrong.

Sometimes when you think you know what is going on, you don’t and the illusion is infinitely greater than the moment, only afterwards can you see the situation for what it is before choosing to accept it or not, and even then it doesn’t always help.

So, in no particular order, and for no particular reason, once upon a time, this happened :

Case study 01:

Some story in the news whereby a prisoner cooked and ate his cellmate.
Sorry but I did laugh…


Case study 02:

The end of the War on Terror, always worth a giggle in my book, especially if that book is the ‘Megalomaniacs guide to waging war on ‘The War on Terror’, Volume 01′.


Case study 03:

Mankind. Such a broad subject but I chose to just focus on our desire to potentially destroy ourselves as we seem to be so capable and caught up on the whole possibility.


Case study 04:

2012, Christmas happened again. Ho fecking Ho.


Case study 05:

History, it’s a blast. At the time the Far right in Greece was blaming everyone from Alvin Stardust to Hitler for the IMF and the Crisis here, No, seriously…


Case study 06:

Unfortunately, Hitler got a lot of air miles with the Far Right, still with a moustache like that, he deserves it.


Case study 07:

Technology, of course it should make life easier but really we all know it’ll be the death of us…


Case study 08:

It’s not often someone combines a Bra and a way to grow Rice, as a huge fan of Asian cuisine and Breasts, it needed to be discussed.


Case study 09:

Aliens visit the future Head of the World Chess federation on his balcony, does it need anything more?


Case study 10:

Getting old, parking and losing your marbles. So, it’s not all bad then!


Case study 11.

To be fair, in Greece its always time for Springtime Cleavage. I’m sure it’s the same in other Countries too but this particular year, My GOD!!!


Case study 12:

Appropriate to see a headline about two Priests fighting at Easter time. First Rule of Fight Club is don’t repent for whooping ass at Fight Club.


Case study 13:

Unlucky for some, me in particular. After living here for some time I finally risked exposing myself to Greek women, not literally obviously! Behave. But in context, I had now had dealings with a few… Head in a noose and so I wrote.


Case study 14:

There was some random time fluctuation and the world rebooted the Matrix, or didn’t. So I wrote about it. It had to be done.


Hopefully these will provide a few insights into the bizarre and turbulent state of mind which had overtaken me back when I first arrived. I laughed anyway, sometimes it’s a knee jerk reaction when faced with a breakdown, sometimes life is just funny, you decide, I don’t make the rules.

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  1. Simon Rawicz says:

    Reblogged this on E's a Dude & the Gang – Keeping it Real… and commented:

    Taste, well, it’s subjective isn’t it?


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